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Showreel and information for the Routledge Companion to the Sound of Space, Bartlett Kiosk exhibition




This companion explores a range of conceptual and practical relationships between sound and space across various disciplines, providing insights from technical, creative, cultural, political, philosophical, psychological, and physiological perspectives. The content spans a wide range of spatial typologies, from large reverberant buildings to modest and intimate ones, from external public squares to domestic interiors, and from naturally formed environments to highly engineered spaces. These compiled insights and observations explore the vast diversity of ways in which sonic and spatial realms interact.

This publication therefore forms important bridges between the intricate and diverse topics of technology, philosophy, composition, performance, and spatial design, to contemplate the potential of sound and space as tools for creative expression and communication, as well as for technical innovation. It is hoped that by sharing these insights, this book will inspire practitioners, scholars, and enthusiasts to incorporate new perspectives and methodologies into their own work.

Through a rich blend of theory, practice, and critical reflection, this volume serves as a valuable resource for anyone interested in exploring the intricacy of relationships between space and sound, whether they are students, professionals, or simply curious. Our companion provides a cross-section through shared territories between sonic and spatial disciplines from architecture, engineering, sound design, music composition and performance, urban design, product design, and much more.



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Compiled for the Routledge Companion to the Sound of Space exhibition at the Bartlett School of Architecture, kiosk Exhibition.​



00:00 - Emma-Kate Matthews 'Similis'
05:50 - Quote from Shane Myrbeck
06:20 - Jonathan Tyrrell 'House of the Refrain'
08:13 - Quote from Emil Kraugerud
08:35 - Emma-Kate Matthews '
Dreams Again'
13:53 - Quote from Nina Garthwaite
14:15 - Emma-Kate Matthews '
Interactive Music'
16:11 - Quote from John Drever
16:33 - Emma-Kate Matthews '
Orchestra Projector'
20:26 - Quote from Paul Bavister
20:48 - Jonathan Tyrrell 'Performative Writing'
23:41 - Quote from Jonathan Tyrrell
24:03 - Emma-Kate Matthews '
Instead of Points'
25:53 - Quote from Gascia Ouzounian
26:15 - Emma-Kate Matthews '
Dorsal Falls'
30:49 - Emma-Kate Matthews '
The Ruffs'
31:12 - Quote from Jordan Lacey
31:37 - Emma-Kate Matthews '
Go With You'
37:03 - Quote from Raviv Ganchrow
37:25 - Emma-Kate Matthews '
44:44 - Quote from Eleni-Ira Panourgia




The exhibition in the Bartlett Kiosk (Jan 28th - Feb 9th 2025) offers a focused insight into the dynamic relationships between space and sound, as explored in our newly released publication. Through a curated selection of objects, visual materials, and sonic elements, it invites visitors to engage with key concepts and themes, highlighting how space and sound influence and transform each other across different disciplines.​


1. Raviv Ganchrow - ‘Passages’, Sonic pedestrian underpass New York, USA, 2000

2. Jonathan Tyrrell - ‘Architecture’s Acoustic Shadow: Unsettling the Sound/Space Relationship‘, Scotland, UK, 2024

3. Emma-Kate Matthews, Jane Burry & Mark Burry - ‘The Routledge Companion to the Sound of Space’, Routledge, London 2024

4. Catie Newell, Zackery Belanger & Wes McGee - ‘Long Range’ in ‘Reflections on an acoustic surface of glass’, 2022

5. Jonathan Tyrrell and Emma-Kate Matthews - ‘Show reel of ongoing works, 2021-2025

6. David Buck & Carla Molinari - ‘In an Open Field: From medieval neumes to landscape notation’

7. Emma-Kate Matthews - ‘A Study of Passing Objects in an Accelerating Landscape‘, 2023-2024

8. Emma-Kate Matthews - ‘Resonant Bodies‘, 2021-2025

9. Jan St. Werner with Gascia Ouzounian - ‘Vibrational Architectures‘, 2023

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