In parallel to the work dealing with the larger architectural scheme, I am also working on several 1:10 and 1:1 scale prototypes, with the intention of developing a construction method and structural system for the geometries required to generate the proposed acoustic spaces. So far I have tested flexible formworks and milling to create a complex curved shell of a variable thickness. This approach has produced mixed results, the main problems being: lack of control over the thickness and edge condition of the shell in the case of the casting. The milling model solved these problems, but generated new ones such as excessive material wastage and the fact that the 3 axis milling machine is unable to produce shells which curve back under themselves (undercuts). However, I think I’m starting to resolve these problems… My new method – pictured above – is still very much a work in progress. The first prototype didn’t really work (photographed above). I attempted to ‘waffle’ that structure manually, but in the end it was VERY time consuming and full of things I had missed out (like notches) …However, after a frustrating and intense weekend of learning grasshopper and tweaking/merging open source GHX files, I have finally found a solution which is capable of creating a honeycombed structure for (almost) any closed object. Once I have cut and assembled Mark II, I intend to play with the surface to give it a range of acoustic qualities in preparation for another round of simulation and testing… Here goes!……