…This week the ICA reading room has been host to a modest collection of books, manuscripts, photos, transparencies, diagrams, sketches, leaflets which present various ways of notating unconventional arrangements for music performance. A large portion of these scores seem to combine traditional musical notation (a graphic language which communicates the composition of a variety of audible characteristics such as rhythm, tone, dynamics, structure etc…) with a series of visual metaphors comparable to architectural drawing, which imply a set of spatial relationships (both static and dynamic) between performers and audience members throughout the piece… Also, some scores were transcriptions of improvised pieces and others were providing instructions for pre-written performances. I just bought the book pictured above as it contains many of the examples I got hooked on in the reading room. I think my next set of drawings needs to explore more explicitly and intelligently this relationship between sound and space. So far I have hesitated in establishing a consistent method for “notating” the expected and recorded acoustic behaviours + audible characteristics inherent in my proposed architecture… I expect that in the next few weeks, I will focus on finding a method for visually representing sound in a way which is bespoke and relevant to this project, I will also further refine the spatial conditions of the architectural proposal and start to better explain the movement of any dynamic elements and how this is advantageous to the respective acoustic environments…. This exhibition has given me a few ideas, so stay tuned for the next phase..!
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