…here is a prototype for the panels to be mounted onto the waffle. This (pictured) is (double-sided) milled from dense foam. Tomorrow I intend to vacuum form it to create a semi-flexible pocket, which will then be tweaked and ‘wiggled’ to fit the parameters of the waffle frame (which is considerably more saggy then the computer model owing to it’s tremendous weight) AND then a hard plaster or fine concrete will be poured to create a series of hard, reflective panels… I now realise that this is a really wasteful and labour intensive way to make these panels, but at least I can now start to refine another process… AND tomorrow is also the day that I make a thousand contact mics (well maybe not quite a thousand…) to start listening to this beast… AND I need to mount the other smaller waffle onto tracks on the ceiling… AND a site model is on it’s way… Lots to do.
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